Thursday, 17 December 2009

Health Care & Guide-About Eating High Fiber Foods-Its Benefits

Fiber Food Details for Our Healthy LifeStyle :-

There are many types of foods which are very helpful to build our Healthy Lifestyle.

But Here I want to share one type of food which called Fiber Food.

Dietary fiber :-

It also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps to prevent the peaks and valleys that cause a person to want to attack anything in the fridge, and it helps to reduce the risk of Type II Diabetes.

In most cases constipation comes about because there are insufficient amounts of fiber and fluid in the diet.

Fiber is also helpful in removing certain toxic metals.

There are seven classifications of fiber:-

Bran, cellulose, gum, hemicelluose, lignin, mucilages, and pectin.

It is advisable to rotate your fiber sources

A general rule is to start with small sources and gradually increase your intake until your stools are a good consistency.

Plant foods are the only dietary source of fiber

It is mainly cellulose, the structural part of a plant.
We can find it in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.


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