Thursday, 17 December 2009

Health Care Tips & Facts on Stay Healthy with Weight Losing

Do You think about Weight-Losing??

Today Weight-Losing is very hot favorite task for both men and women.But with Weight –Losing Schedule it’s also one important to Staying Health.

Here I want to share some very short and simple but most healpful Healthy Tips with all my healthy blog visitor to stay fit while losing their dislike extra weight.

(1) FISH :-

Eat fish with oil atleast one or two time in week. Oily fish supply omega-3 fats, which help to keep your heart healthy, your joints supple and your brain in shape.

Its calorie count is higher than the white fish but you should still have at least one portion a week, for omega-3 fatty acids are important for the body and need to be sourced from everyday diet.

They’re also effective in dealing with disorders like high blood pressure and diabetes.

(2) Dairy Products(Cheese,Butter) :-

Calcium-rich dairy foods boost your bones and also help you stay slim, possibly by influencing the way fat cells work. Go for low-cal choices like skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt.

A good bone density ensures you are protected against osteoporosis in the future. Having enough calcium and potassium also helps in dealing with hypertension.

(3) Salt :-

Having less salt reduces your blood pressureand also means you hold on to less water.

In fact, you can drop around two to three pounds of water weight simply by reducing your salt intake by about a third – from 9 gm to 6 gm.

(4) Nuts for Health :-

They may be high in calories but they’re packed with the essential fats needed for healthy skin and hormones.

And a moderate-fat diet is easier to stick to than a low-fat one. Research has shown that nuts lower the bad cholesterol levels in the body which ultimately benefits the heart.

And because they are packed with nutrition, they are very filling and make the perfect between meal snack.

(5) Coloured Fruits and Veggies :-

Differently coloured fruit and veggies contain different vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting antioxidants.

Try to choose the widest range of colours possible for the maximum possible protection.

(6) High Fibre Foods :-

Aim to make at least 50 per cent of your grain foods high-fibre. Fibre-rich foods are higher in iron, zinc and other minerals, and bulkier, so they fill you up more.

(7) Regular Breakfast :-

This helps one stay slim and have better vitamin and mineral intakes than those who skip it.

(8) Limit alcohol :-

Beyond 40, a moderate daily intake of alcohol is good for the heart.


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